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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago






The deprivation of basic physiological needs, including food, water, shelter, and clothing, as well as the lack of access to meaningful forms of self-betterment such as education, significant employment, and political influence.


Block 6 Group 5 - Brochures


Global Poverty front final.png

Global Poverty back final.png

Nicaragua Poverty Front 1.doc

Nicaragua Poverty Back 1.doc



Our Top 10


annotated bibliography final.doc 



Pro Mujer https://promujer.org/

NGO that focuses on helping women through microfinance, business training, and healthcare support.  Providing financing and training to promote employment opportunitites has the potential to reduce reliance on production of a few crops, particularly coffee.  We feel this organization has the potential to greatly reduce rural poverty since declining crop prices are leading to increases in poverty, especially in coffee-dependent households. -Edited by Cory


The Maya Nut Programme http://seedinit.org/mainpages/ceremony/Maya/index.php

NGO in Nicaragua - The Maya Nut Programme - works to improve food security, family income and forest conservation by increasing production and sales of the Mayan Nut- a nutritious, sustainable and commercially viable non-timber forest product.  The goal of this program is to collaborate with local and international businesses so that both the businesses and the poor in Nicaragua/Guatemala will benefit.  "The programme will establish quality control, processing and packaging standards to enable access to markets in Central America, the US and Europe through collaboration with local and international businesses."  Our group is conisdering this organziation because it appears to be a sustainable program that businesses would be willing to contribute to.  However, we have concerns about how many people this program could help due to the limited supply and demand of the Maya nuts.  We need to do more research in this area. -Edited by Cory


The Fabretto Children's Foundation

An NGO dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in Nicaragua through programs designed to help the nutrition, health, education, community and character development of Nicaraguan children and their families.  Much like the strategy at Habitat for Humanity, Fabretto requires families receiving support and child education to volunteer in the program. We are considering this organization because it addresses one of the fundamental concerns in Nicaragua, but also because the volunteer resquirement helps make the program more sustainable. However, we're not sure whether enough information is available to complete an entire case analysis.

- Mustafa, edited by Cory







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